Thursday, February 26, 2015


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Immersion 2014 will be showing the cultural impact that digital technologies have on our lives today. In Immersion 2014, it will feature many new and exciting module based conference format. It will include things like Entertainment, Arts and Culture, and even Human-Computer Interaction.

I will be addressed Robotics in this blog post today. It is a form immersion that can be found at the conference. We will be exploring the technologies that come with Robotics and what it can bring to this new type of education that we are looking at today. It is new and exciting and will change the way we can bring education to the masses.

 First lets define what robotics actually is. Robotics is a branch of engineering and computer science that incorporates design, operation, and construction of robots. It also deals with the computer systems within these robots and their control and sensory abilities. Most of the times, robots are used to replace humans in dangerous situations or environments.

To power a robot, you need a power source which is a better most of the time. Engineers use acid lead batteries because they are generally the safest and last the longest. However, to power a robot, there are many factors that one must consider because there are many safety precautions and how long the robot will last before it dies out. Most engineers do not use a wire to power the battery because it restricts the movement and hinders the ability of the robot alot. 

Another important component of a robot is the actuators. The actuators are the things that help a robot move by converting the energy from the batteries. The most popular actuators are motors which spin gears that give the robot movement. There are many types of actuators such linear actuators and series elastic actuators. A linear actuators move in and out instead of spinning like a normal motor. 

Robots have become so advanced that they are actually able to speak and recognize speech from people. Engineers have developed a robot in japan that is able to generate facial expressions and interact with humans based on the computer software it was programmed with. It is able to communicate and relay real human interactions such as shaking hands with someone and responding to questions that people may ask it. Some are even programmed with personalities which scare me a little bit because it is similar to talking with a real person.

3D Printing

Immersion 2014 will be showing the cultural impact that digital technologies have on our lives today. In Immersion 2014, it will feature many new and exciting module based conference format. It will include things like Entertainment, Arts and Culture, and even Human-Computer Interaction.

I will be addressed 3D printing in this blog post today. It is a form immersion that can be found at the conference. We will be exploring the technologies that come with 3D printing and what it can bring to this new type of education that we are looking at today. It is new and exciting and will change the way we can bring education to the masses.

First, lets go over what 3D printing is. It is just any process to make a three dimensional object or thing. The process involves material that is layered on top of each other using a computer to make sure it is precise. This technology is able to create almost anything and will be the future of immersive education. We all should be excited for what it can bring.

The first steps to 3D printing is making a model for it. To do this, we use a CAD, or a computer aided design in order to model the object you are trying to create. For example, if you wanted to recreate a watch, you would scan the object and the computer would render the image and create a model of it. Anything is possible and any item can be scanned to be molded into a perfect replica. 

Once you have a model of the object, the computer produces a G-code file which is a list of instructions for the 3D printer to follow. One other important hardware a 3D printer needs is the GCode viewer, which tells the printer nozzle where to go and what route to follow. A 3D printer then lays down layers upon layers of of liquid and other material to make the best replica it can using the code that it was given. The possibilities are endless like I mentioned and anything can be recreated. 

3D printing has come a long way since it first started. There are many types of 3D printing such as the material the printer uses and the process it makes it in. For example, Granular 3D printing uses laser melting and beam melting in order to create any object out of any metal alloy. Another type is Power bed and inkjet printing which uses a Blaster based 3D printing technology which obviously uses plaster.

Virtual Reality

Immersion 2014 will be showing the cultural impact that digital technologies have on our lives today. In Immersion 2014, it will feature many new and exciting module based conference format. It will include things like Entertainment, Arts and Culture, and even Human-Computer Interaction.

I will be addressed Virtual Reality in this blog post today. It is a form immersion that can be found at the conference. We will be exploring the technologies that come with Virtual Reality and what it can bring to this new type of education that we are looking at today. It is new and exciting and will change the way we can bring education to the masses.

Lets go over what Virtual Reality is. Virtual Reality is a computer simulates scenario or environment that can simulate the real world or imagined worlds. Most Virtual Reality environments are shown through computers or stereoscopic displays. Many people relate Virtual Reality with head mounted displays because of the immersion experience a person can achieve through the technology. 

Some of the hardware that uses Virtual Reality are HMD's or head mounted displays. Since VR uses graphics, sound and input technologies to give the user the full experience, HMD's are a great way to experience Virtual Reality. Right now, one of the most popular technology coming out for video gaming is called Oculus Rift. It gives users the ability to move while being in a stationary position. It also has a 110 degree field of view and surround sound in the system. 

Furthermore, VR plays a huge role in training people. Not only for flight simulations for pilots but also military personel. With VR, you are able to create an environment very close to a combat zone and it is very useful in creating scenarios similar to real life combat. They also use a HMD for this because it is able to give them an experience similar to being out there in the real world. Even people in medicine use VR to practice training for surgery through software created to simulate a procedure. 

One of the challenges that virtual reality technology faces is the motion sickness that people face when they see their environment or are playing in one. People may just look at the screen and feel woozy from the shifting environments or just the lag of the simulations. However, people are trying to develop technologies that will make virtual reality less hard on the body and mind, hoping to please everyone. Engineers are saying that there will be great new devices for VR systems in 2015 and that we all should be on the lookout for it.

Augmented Reality

Immersion 2014 will be showing the cultural impact that digital technologies have on our lives today. In Immersion 2014, it will feature many new and exciting module based conference format. It will include things like Entertainment, Arts and Culture, and even Human-Computer Interaction.

I will be addressed Augmented Reality in this blog post today. It is a form immersion that can be found at the conference. We will be exploring the technologies that come with Augmented Reality and what it can bring to this new type of education that we are looking at today. It is new and exciting and will change the way we can bring education to the masses.

Let's go over what Augmented Reality actually is. It is a live director in indirect view of a real world scenario or environment where the elements inside are generated by a computer using sound and graphics. The technology that it uses enhances one's perception of reality. The possibilities are endless on what you can do with this technology.

Some of the hardware that are included in this technology are processors, sensors, and display devices. Smartphones these days and even tablets have cameras and sensors that make it usable to Augmented Reality. An even more example of this is a an HMD, or a head mounted display. This uses a helmet which places images of not only the physical world but also virtual objects in the person's view.

Another piece of hardware we can look at is HUD's. We actually have seen the development of these lately with google glass and even more recently Microsoft's HoloLens. HUD's only augment a part of one's view, instead of enveloping all of the vision. It can display things like weather, take photos by voice, and listen to the commands that the user gives it. This is the future of head technology, where a normal sunglass will be able to act like a smart phone.

Furthermore, there is also Augmented Reality that does not go on the head or cover the view of the user. SAR, or Spatial Augmented Reality uses a projector in order to project graphics onto physical objects. Examples of these are mobile projectors and smart projectors. This kind of system can display images on any surface. Some people find this type of Augmented Reality to be better because they are able to go around physical and see the graphics that are projected.

Class 6, Assignment 4

Midterm 8

Original picture

Edited picture

This is an exercise where we use the smudge and blur tool to get rid blemishes and wrinkles on our face. I use the blur and smudge tool to mainly get rid of my moles and to get rid of some spots that had blemishes on them. I also smoothed out my eyebrows a little bit. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  

Midterm 7

Cropped the circles using the elliptical tool.

I duplicated the eye and placed it on the other eye.

Added a black box using the rectangular box tool. 

Added text after that.

Here are tickets for my files.

This is an exercise for my midterm using photoshop to add these circular eyes to a picture. It is a midterm (or final, if it's a final) exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at