Thursday, February 5, 2015

Class 3: Exploring the Virtual World Framework (VWF)

This first world was called Grassy Terrain. There was nothing to do here and everything looked to be the same. There was only grass and mountains.

Second place I visited was Afghan Village. This place was a lot more interesting than the last one. There were other humans there too and there were various buildings and plants on the ground. The environment also took a lot longer to render on my computer. 

In this world, there was no human avatar to be seen. You were in first person. The graphics in the world seemed to be a lot more clear and defined. 

Comparing Meshmoon and VWF, I thought that Meshmoon was a lot more smooth but the graphics in VWF were a lot better. Also, VWF was really laggy on my computer and it was super jerky at times. Maybe because the world was bigger in some of the VWF sessions. 

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