Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Examining Gender, Race and Body Image in a Virtual World

So when as a guy, I tried to get someone to talk to me. 

As soon as I changed into a woman and asked the same question, someone responded and said Hi to me.

I went into a difference place as a woman, and did a general hello. After waiting, no one said anything.

I changed my avatar into a good looking, latino( seems like it) man and asked the same question. Instantly, someone responded by saying "Wonderful".

I then started to talk with her later.

It was weird. When I first entered as a guy, I greeted people by saying hello. However, no one talked to me because I was surrounded by males. As soon as I changed into a female avatar, I had someone say hello to me instantly. After I changed places, I did the same thing as a female and said hello to people. However, no one responded to me. After I changed into a guy, I had a female talk to me. I think its the people you're surrounded by that determines your ability to socially interact with people. 

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